
C.Rh.A / P.T.A

Mae Cymdeithas Rhieni ac Athrawon Ysgol y Lawnt (PTA) wedi bod yn weithgar am nifer o flynyddoedd. Mae croeso i unrhyw un fod yn aelod o'r Gymdeithas Rieni ac Athrawon gan gynnwys neiniau a teidiau, perthnasau eraill a'r gymuned ehangach a hoffai gefnogi'r ysgol.

Ein bwriad ni yw yn bennaf yw i  godi arian er mwyn darparu offer ac adnoddau i'r ysgol na fyddai'n cael eu darparu gan yr awdurod lleol. Rydym hefyd yn trefnu gweithgareddau cymdeithasol sy’n galluogu’r rhieni a’r gymuned i ddod ynghyd i gefnogi addysg y plant.

Mae C.Rh.A wedi cyfrannu tuag at:


1. Gwisgoedd pêl droed
2. Gwisgoedd dawnsio gwerin Cymreig
3. Gwisgoedd pel rhwyd 
4.Byrddau a chadeiriau i ardd blwyddyn 1 + 2
5. Cymorth ar gyfer trafnidiaeth ar deithiau

Rydym yn codi arian mewn sawl ffordd - trwy gynnal digwyddiadau megis disgos, pared hetiau pasg, ffeiriau Nadolig, barbiciw haf ayb. 


Sut allwch chi ymuno?

Mae llawer o ffurf allwch chi helpu eich plentyn trwy gefnogu'r C.Rh.A

1. Dewch yn aelod pwyllgor 
2. Helpu i drefnu a chynorthwyo mewn digwyddiadau
3. Helpu i gynhyrchu cylchlythyr 
4. Hyrwyddo cyfeillion am y digwyddiadau
5. Gweithgareddau plant 
6. Gwneud pethau i werthu (e.e. teisienau/crefftau)
7. Casglu rhoddion raffl 
8. Annog eich cyflogwr i'n cefnogi
9. Cyfieithu i'r Gymraeg 
10. Dylunio - posteri a phamffledi.


The PTA has been an integral part of the school community for many years. We have been working hard over the years and have raised thousands of pounds, which have been used to purchase equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education and the facilities in school in general. We welcome everyone to get involved with Ysgol y Lawnt's P.T.A, including mums and dads, gran's and grandad's, aunt's and uncle's and other members of the community who would like to support our school. 

The Ysgol y Lawnt P.T.A  is about much more than just fundraising. The association exists to provide closer links between home and school, and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal.

We have raised money and contributed:-
1. Football kit
2. Clothes for Folk Dancing
3. Netball Kit
4. Tables and chairs for year 1 + 2's new outdoor area
5. Buses for matches and trips

We raise money in many ways - through arranging events such as disoco's, easter hats parade, christms fairs, summer bbq's etc.


How You Can Get Involved?

There are lots of ways you can help and support your child through the P.T.A. 

1. Become a member of the P.T.A
2. Help to organise a P.T.A event
3. Organise a stall in christmas fairs / summer bbq's
4. Help to produce P.T.A news letters 
5. Activities for the children
6. Make things to sell i.e (bake cakes, make cards)
7. Hold a rafflee
8. Encourage your employer to support the school events
9. Translate to welsh
10. Create posters and leflets to advertise events.


Y Gymdeithas Rieni ac Athrawon / Parents' and Teachers' Association

Mae ein Cymdeithas Rieni ac Athrawon yn un brysur iawn. Dewch i ymuno yn  y gweithgareddau!  Edrychwch ar  y calendr i weld beth sy'n digwydd nesaf. 

Our school PTA is a very active one.  Come and join in the events!  See the calendar for the next events.

Cadeirydd / Chairperson - Mrs L. O'Brien

Trysorydd / Treasurer - Mrs J. Vest

Ysgrifennydd  / Secretary - Mrs K. Hallam